Child and Youth Advocate
Terri Pelton was appointed as Alberta’s Child and Youth Advocate on April 1, 2022. Terri has worked in the social services sector for over 30 years, helping to create positive outcomes for young people, their families, and their communities. She first joined the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate in 2007 and played a leading role in developing the Investigations and Legal Representation for Children and Youth (LRCY) programs.
At the beginning of her career, Terri served as a frontline child protection worker and supervisor, and later worked for the Ministry of Children’s Services as an analyst. Through these early experiences, she saw firsthand the challenges young people in government systems encounter and became a strong advocate for meaningful change.
Terri holds a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Regina and completed the Senior and Executive Management Development Program for the Alberta Public Service. Terri is guided by her belief that young people’s rights must be upheld, and their voices heard when decisions are made that affect them.
Strategic Leadership Team
The OCYA’s Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) promotes integration and collaboration between divisions and sets the strategic direction for the organization. The team is comprised of a diverse group of dedicated professionals who share the same passion for providing quality service delivery to the vulnerable young people we serve.
In addition to Terri Pelton, the Child and Youth Advocate, who chairs the SLT, the committee members are:
Peter Crossen
Deputy Advocate, Direct Advocacy Services
Peter joined the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate (OCYA) in June 2022. He is responsible for leading the office’s direct advocacy work with young people and oversees the Individual Advocacy and Legal Representation for Children and Youth programs. Prior to joining the OCYA, Peter spent 14 years with the Government of Alberta in various management positions focusing on Indigenous initiatives. He also previously worked for the federal government, the Métis Nation of Alberta, and the University of Alberta. Peter has a Master of Arts from Athabasca University and a Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies from the University of Alberta. He is committed to lifelong learning and has pursued professional development throughout his career. Most importantly, Peter is a husband to Lorena, and a father to three active boys/young adults. Peter has spent many…many hours at hockey rinks throughout the years, and volunteers with his son’s hockey teams. Peter is also a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, with family ties to Letendre (Lac Ste. Anne Métis) and Dumont.
Bolu Idowu
Executive Director, Strategic Support
Bolu joined the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate in March 2021. She is responsible for leading the provision of a range of administrative and business services in the areas of finance and budgeting, business planning, human resources, administrative and accommodation services, information management and technology, and quality assurance activities.
Bolu has over 17 years of experience in diverse technical and management roles within the private and public sectors. Prior to joining the OCYA, she held the position of Director, Financial Reporting and Operations in the Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Innovation. She is equipped with broad enterprise, business and leadership skills, and brings to the role a solid experience in corporate strategic support.
Bolu is a Chartered Professional Accountant. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Queen’s University. Bolu finds fulfilment in empowering and supporting people around her in the delivery of strategic organizational goals. She is passionate about reassuring key demographics within our society, including children and the youth, that they are capable of achieving great things.
Kim Spicer
Deputy Advocate, Indirect Advocacy Services
Kim joined the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate in August 2019. She is responsible for leading the office’s indirect advocacy work, which includes investigating the serious injuries and deaths of young people who meet the criteria for an investigative review, bringing attention to systemic issues affecting children and youth, and engaging with young people and communities.
Kim has over 25 years of experience in the public service and has worked in a variety of positions with Children’s Services. Prior to joining the office, she held the position of Senior Manager, Policy and Practice, within Children’s Services. During this time, Kim lead the development and implementation of the Child Intervention Practice Framework. She was also seconded to Justice and Solicitor General to initiate the Alberta Family Court Project.
Kim brings to the office a strong background in guiding the development and implementation of policy, practice and program. She has extensive experience building collaborative relationships with staff, partners and community members.
Kim’s formal qualifications include a Masters in Public Administration and she is a registered social worker. Kim is passionate about systems change through the focus on continuous improvement of services and supports provided by government to ensure that vulnerable young people have their needs met.
Staff & Structure
Our organizational chart provides an overview of our structure and program areas. Contact information for individual staff can be found in the Government of Alberta directory. https://www.alberta.ca/staff-directory.cfm