Our youth and community engagement work is a vital link to young people and the individuals, services, and communities that are important to them. This work includes:

  • Promoting and raising awareness about young people’s rights, advocacy strategies, and the role of our office through presentations and participation in community events.
  • Centring reconciliation in our work and strengthening our relationships with Indigenous young people, families, and communities.
  • Facilitating young people’s right to participate throughout the work of our office and through the OCYA Youth Council. Check out our Opportunities for Young People to learn more.

Learning opportunities

We provide presentations and workshops on a number of topics related to our office:

  • General presentations focused on the role of our office
  • Advocacy 101a training to help adults learn about young people’s rights and how to advocate for and support the young people in their lives
  • Special report presentationsan overview of our findings on systemic issues such as young people with disabilities and young people transitioning out of government care

Interested in a presentation or training?

Email Us